Release the Past and Reflect Positively on Your Child’s Future.
You’ve screamed at your child for the tenth time today, and you feel awful.
It’s almost like you’re standing above yourself looking down and can see that you’re acting just like your mom did with you.
Exhausted, defeated, and ashamed. This is not how you envisioned yourself as a parent. If only you could get a break.
It’s time for a parenting revolution.
One that frees you from the shackles of your own pained childhood and shows you how to parent from an awakened, more thoughtful place. Let’s face it, parenting is complex. You bring with it all your hopes and dreams, but you also bring all of your own expectations and baggage from your old childhood. And while you might start out with the best of intentions, you find yourself feeling guilty – constantly guilty – for not meeting your own expectations.
Reflective parenting begins with awareness.
Because of my own difficult childhood I wasn’t sure I wanted to ever be a parent. I was honestly afraid I would screw it up. Still, kids kept showing up everywhere and I took it as a sign that I was called to serve in this way. As an early childhood instructor at Gymboree, I just connected with this idea that kids need to explore their world without putting all expectations on who and how they should be. When they saw their children happy, I noticed how parents too were able relax and shift their interactions with their children almost immediately.
When I married my husband and joined him in parenting his special needs daughter, I discovered how truly important it is to become aware of the constant tango we do between accepting our children for who they are and re-writing our own childhood history.
It’s possible to let go of the mask and show the next generation how to have the courage to thrive and claim their gifts.
Reflective parenting begins with awareness and a vision of who we want to be as parents. It’s also about learning how to set boundaries and letting go of the fantasy of how we thought things SHOULD be. In many ways, it’s about learning to parent yourself first so you can let go of all of the masks, insecurities and doubts that stop you from being the best possible parent.
Instead of talking about changing the world outside ourselves, let’s make a big impact on the future by parenting children who grow up to understand their emotions and aren’t afraid to claim their gifts. When we teach our children that we don’t need to hide behind a mask just to fit in – we empower a future generation with confidence and security.
Consciously parenting children from conception through young adulthood
As a certified Great Parents Empower and Building Connected Communities Member, my mission is to help you embrace parenting from a new perspective. Learn how to let go of the struggle and finally find a flow you’ve never felt before.
I’ve long believed that children spark our biggest growth. Reflective Parent Coaching will provide you with tangible steps to help you break your parenting patterns and release some of the expectations and personal wounds that have held you back to this point. Even if boundaries have been difficult for you in the past, discover ways to set limits and help your child feel safe and loved.
Learn how to set integrity anchors and parent from a position of confidence.
Through weekly phone coaching sessions you’ll understand how to set a clear parenting vision and stay in integrity with that vision. You’ll learn the power of choice and how to deliver necessary communications with your child without difficulty. Embrace your child for who they are and listen to them without judgment.
I know you’re frustrated and have tried other methods, but isn’t it time to try something that will actually work?
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““Home is a place we all must find, child. It’s not just a place where you eat or sleep. Home is knowing. Knowing your mind, knowing your heart, knowing your courage. If we know ourselves, we’re always home, anywhere.” ”